General Terms and Conditions for Purchase: 購買條款及細則
General Terms and Conditions for Purchase:
The "Company" shall mean GDV Fine Wines and the "Customer" shall mean any person, firm, company or body which places an order with the Company. 「公司」是指葡萄酒坊有限公司;「顧客」
Breakage Policy 貨品破損安排
The Customer is requested to examine the goods immediately upon collection or delivery for any damages and/or deficiencies. Should there be any breakage, you may refuse to receive goods at the time of delivery. Otherwise, we shall have the discretion to refuse your claim after collection or delivery. 顧客收貨時必須即時檢查貨品是否存在任何的損毀。
Return Policy 退換政策
(A) It is the Customer's and/or receiver's responsibility to check the condition of any goods received at the time of collection or delivery, including wines, glassware and accessories. Customer is deemed to accept the order and conditions of the goods without any doubt upon receipt of goods.
(B) Return is only available when valid original receipt is provided and return guarantee will only be applicable on wine or champagne below HK$800 per bottle or less than 8 years old. 退換只適用價值於港元800元以下或年份低於8年的葡萄酒或香檳
(C) No returns shall be made on glassware or accessories after the goods are collected or delivered. 任何玻璃物品及酒具,顧客確認收取貨品后,將不再享有退換服務。
(D) Any canceled order will be refunded within 30 days. A charge of HK500 for collections will be payable. If returned wines are not deemed to be in a saleable condition, a re-delivery fee will also be charged. 任何取消的訂單將在 30 天內退款。收取港幣 500 元的收款費用。如果退回的葡萄酒未被視為處於可銷售狀態,
(E) No return shall be made on any goods purchased during promotion period and/or promotions that remarked ‘No return and/or refund during this promotion’ 在促銷期間購買的任何貨品,或已提及[促銷期間不退貨和/
(F) In the event that you would like to lodge a refund or return, please email to within 5 days from the date of delivery. 如需申請退換,需在收貨日起五天內電郵致: online@gdvwines.com以作出安排。
Goods Title 商品所有權
All risks in the products shall pass to the Customer upon delivery but the Company shall retain title in the products until full payment has been received.貨品所有風險在貨品提取或送貨後轉移給顧客,
Delivery Arrangement 送貨服務
(A) The Company offer FREE delivery in single location for purchases over HK$3,000 unless otherwise stated. For orders under HK$3,000, a minimum delivery charge of HK$300 shall apply, depends on the destination. 除非另有規定,凡購物金額滿港元3,000或以上,
(B) Delivery service is limited to Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories commercial and residential addresses only. 送貨服務只限於港島、九龍及新界的商業及住宅區。
(C) Delivery to outlying islands is subject to surcharge on quotation basis. 離島區送貨服務需另報價收費。We reserve the right to charge for subsequent delivery if the recipient is failed to receive goods at the 1st delivery appointment. 如顧客未能在約定時間收貨,
(D) Delivery surcharge will be applied to address where there is no direct access with lift, a fee will be levied at $50 per move per staircase. 運送附加費將適用於無法直接乘電梯到達的地址, 每層樓梯收取港元50元。
(E) It is the responsibility of the customer to notify us immediately if there is any change to their delivery address.如顧客送貨地址有任何變更,需立即通知我們。
(F) We reserve the right to decline delivery of goods to any customer at our sole discretion. 本公司保留權利可酌情拒絕向任何顧客送付貨品。
Non-pickup / non-delivery Policy 未取貨/未送貨安排
The Company has the right to charge storages fees for storing the wine in the event that: 在下列情況下,本公司有權收取顧客的存酒費用:
(A) wine is non-deliverable within 5days of purchase due to a customer refuses to take delivery of the wine. 顧客拒絕接收已購之貨品而導致顧客購物日起5天內未能送貨。
Terms and Conditions of Use - Coupon/ Voucher
(A) Coupon/ Voucher is valid for one-time use only.
(B) Coupon/ Voucher must be redeemed/ used before payment. No retrospective arrangement can be made.
(C) Coupon/ Voucher cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional privileges nor vouchers.
(D) Coupon/ Voucher is not for sale, non-transferable, non-exchangeable for cash and/or other gifts, and is non-returnable. GDV Fine Wines® reserves the right to cancel the Coupon/ Voucher used for sale.
(E) All transactions with the use of Coupons/ Vouchers CANNOT get a refund from us; and can just exchange for other items (if applicable).
(F) We will not be liable for the loss, theft, damage, and misuse of any issued Coupons/ Vouchers. The Coupons/ Vouchers holder shall be solely responsible for all liabilities.
(G) Please enquire at (email: or call 3571 8311) for Coupons/ Vouchers usage details and terms.
(H) We reserve the right to change the terms & conditions in relation to the use of Coupons/ Vouchers without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of GDV Fine Wines® shall be the final.
GDV Fine Wines may revise these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. If any dispute arises, GDV Fine Wine's decision shall be final. English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the Chinese and English version.