GDV Cellar

We offer wine storage service. Let your wine mature in prime condition.
One-stop convenience is at GDV: from buying wine at our shops in Central and Wanchai or online, delivery with air-conditioned truck, to wine storage in a HKQAA certified warehouse! ‘Simple Pleasures’!
The cellar is installed with 24-hours CCTV surveillance system and motion detectors, to ensure your wines are under heavy security and attention!
With state-of-the-art technology wine storage system and other specialised equipment, we provide an ideal wine storage environment with temperature maintained at 13℃-15℃, and relative humidity at 65%-75%.
Our extensive experience and knowledge in storing and handling fine wines will give you peace of mind and a one-stop wine solutions!
The storage fee structure is simple! Just a one-off registration fee upon check-in, and a monthly storage fee, and we’ll take care of administration, storage and insurance.